Most frequent questions and answers
We accept most major insurance plans. Be sure to verify your coverage with your insurance company and contact NFP with any questions.
NFP is a long-term care pharmacy, we are not opened to the public. We service assisted living facilities and group homes. Contact NFP for more details.
Contact your facility to verify that they utilize out services and complete customer enrollment form on the NFP website.
NFP offers delivery to our customers free of charge. We deliver to facilities once a day Monday-Friday.
NFP is open Monday- Friday 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday however a pharmacist is available on call.
NFP services available to residents in assisted living and group homes including residents who independently manage their medications.
NFP provides personalized care including medication management
Our pharmacists are available during business hours Monday- Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM for any questions. We also have a pharmacist on call Saturday and Sunday for emergencies.
NFP accepts discover, visa, and Mastercard as well as paper checks. Patients are billed once monthly, and statements are mailed.
Contact us via phone 11.
Please contact NFP with any concerns, our team stands ready to work with you.